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Community Resources

This page provides resources that are helpful to Alapine community. From December 2024, the posts are made chronologically. Information prior to December 2024,  are loaded by the person who provided them - like Barbara Stoll's prepping info, Torii's Later-Life Planning Paperwork  and all the info Barbara Lieu provides.


6-12-24 Aging In Place - Barbara Lieu E-mail


1-9-24 Frontier Sales Tax Question - Barbara Lieu E-mail​

Click on the link above to download a Word document of this info, but the text is provided below ​

Question: A question was asked about Frontier orders being required to pay sales tax. Here is the answer as to why: The taxes you are paying are "sales tax" on items you purchase.

Answer: For many years items shipped from out of state were not subject to sales tax.

In recent years many states passed laws requiring shippers from out of state to collect sales tax on items they ship. Frontier notified us of this change. They charge us the sales tax and then report the tax & pay it to Alabama. In the check you write you are paying them both for the item you purchased and for the amount of sales tax they pay Alabama on that item. The kind of tax exemption that ACA, Inc. is eligible for is for non-profits when they purchase an item for use in the non-profit. I don't know if ACA has applied to AL Dept. of Revenue for such an exemption, based on the non-profit status of the organization. In years past an organization was issued a paper you could show to a store and say "we are exempt from sales tax". My experience with other non-profits is that many stores were not set up to process such a request from the purchaser. Asking a volunteer for a non-profit to spend time trying to negotiate with a store that did not have this set up can be a burden to the volunteer, and sometimes keep them from volunteering in the future. I also don't know if ACA would need to apply to both AL and GA for paperwork since we shop in both states and sales tax is a state charge, not a national charge. Even if ACA, Inc. obtains sales tax exemption for ACA purchases for use in ACA, it will not apply to items that ACA sells to individuals (such as Frontier items) that are used by the individual who is not tax exempt.


1-7-24 Alapine Road Fund 2023 Financial Summary - Barbara Lieu E-mail, Barbara Lieu Excel File


12-21-23 New Financial Management Policy (Effective Immediately)

  • Any ACA member who receives money on behalf of the ACA must within 48 hours:

  1. Provide written documentation to the payor (this can be check or money order used to make payment. If payment is made in cash, then a written receipt should be provided to the payor) and

  2. Get the payment to one of the co-treasurers (typically Jan Smith right now)

  • Please note: There is nothing wrong with our current process and as far as we know, all funds have been received by the ACA in a proper manner. This policy is being implemented for enhance our financial management and to help facilitate timely production of financial statements. Also, Jan was having to spend a good deal of time running down payments from folks. So please get the payment to her. Thank you!!!!! 


12-17-23 2024 Road Fees & Gate Electric - Barbara Lieu E-mail, Barbara Lieu Word Document


Torii Black Provided Info


deJoly Provided Info


Barbara Lieu Provided Info


Barbara Stoll Provided Info



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